Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Windows and Doors of Versailles

A small part of Le Chateau de Versailles - an external view:

Letting in the cool breeze:

La Grille D'Honneur as the King and Queen would have seen it, from the inside:

Marie Antoinette's route of escape out of her chamber:

A reflection, in the Hall of Mirrors:
Oh, to greet this window and its view every morning:
Light plays upon dark:
Archways that lead to...

The King's Chamber lies behind these oversized doors:

Still on the grounds of Le Chateau de Versailles, not the King's chamber...and richer, somehow: Our trip to Le Chateau de Versailles was without a doubt one of the most memorable parts of our trip.

Until next time...




Darla said...

Wonderful photo's. Isn't it fun to wander through historic sights?


lunarossa said...

Love Versailles! My first visit to V. is also one of the reasons why I've got into languages. It's a long story associates with a wonderfully skilled multilingual tour guide and the beauty of the place. Glad you enjoyed! Ciao. A.

Mystica said...

Beautiful photos! And looks so summery and bright. Am in Melbourne where its chilly!

PeterParis said...

Yes, Versailles is definitely worth a visit! Many - too many- neglect it!

Susu Paris Chic said...

I'm so glad you got to see this... all the glory... the patina of history...

I just went to Versailles to work today. There it was, the castle, standing at the end of the boulevard. As majestic as ever.

Thank you dear for your last comment! From my very heart.

Suko said...

These are spectacular photos, Mervat!

Mervat said...

see you there! It was indeed alot of fun to wander through these amazing buildings and grounds!

lunarossa: What a wonderful story. To think that such a place affected your career choice. Amazing place indeed!

Mystica: It certainly was bright and warm. I am in Sydney today where it is dim and wet. Oh to be there again!

Peter: I would go back there at the drop of a hat. I just loved Versailles.

Susu Paris Chic: And glorious it was too. I love that you can work there and relay back to us how wonderful it continues to be.

I hope all is well my dear friend. xx

Suko: Thank you, Suko!


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