A character well known,
he'd shake your hand, have a laugh
quiet man, thinking man,
he didn't do things by half.
Wonderful children and a wife
he truly was blessed,
but then his pain came
with all its wickedness.
His smile it shone
through thick and thin,
he picked at his food
'til he had no energy.
And when they sat with him
noon and night,
they stroked his forehead
held his hand tight.
His daughter beside him,
she recited a prayer
with her heart, with her head,
she willed him, please stay.
His breathing was laboured
his body limp,
these were his last moments
a final glimpse.
One last goodbye,
he took his last breath
he gave his last smile
and she bowed her head.
Copyright: Mervat @ The Writing Instinct
So sad and beautiful. It is amazing how that those two things can coexist. Hugs to you.xoxo
Hi Mervat, Today is the 4th anniversary of my nephew's death. He was only 15 when he died and your poem reminded me of the moment when I sat next to him and kissed his cold forehead. Unfortunately he did not stay with us but he will be forever in our hearts. Thanks for the beautiful poem although I'm crying now. All the best. A.
Muted, sad beauty in this. Compassion & irony. ~Mary
Beautiful Mervat.....
Very touching and heartfelt Mervat. Is this about your life?
So lovely - achingly so!
words beautiful written.
Oh, this is so touching, Mervat. The title is perfect.
Very moving. Your words reminded me of two lost friends.
I'm sure I left a message about your poem earlier this week! It's very moving, you have a real knack for capturing the moment.
Btw, come and pick up an award from my blog!
Sad but realistic appraisal of life. Also sensitive. We have all been there, or will be, on one or both sides of this situation. You captured it well.
La Belette Rouge: When sadness and beauty coexist it makes the situation even sadder, I think. Thank you so much my friend.xo
lunarossa: I am so saddened to read of your late nephew. So young and in the scheme of things a babe really. May he rest in peace. I am thinking of you. xo
FrankandMary: Thank you so much for your comment. xo
♥ Braja: Thank you so much.
Kim: Thank you. Thankfully it is not about my life but about a friend our family recently lost. His family is just so devastated.
i just lost a friend on friday her service is thursday so its ironic that i read this today
she had cancer and was on hospic care so she is not in pain now and is at peace but she leaves behind a husband, son and grandson that im sure will never ever stop loving her
Jane: Hearing the family talk in the aftermath of this man's death was so painful I had to express it somehow and this is how I came to write this poem.
Darla: Thank you. I feel so much better having expessed my pain at his loss.
Suko" Thank you. The title came naturally as when I heard of the daughter's being with him until the end I imagined this is all she would have said to herself.
Valerie: I am sorry for your two lost friends. It is good to remember them. May they rest in peace.
notSupermum: Thank you so much! I was moved writing it. And thank you for the award. I am very hionoured you chose me! xo
Warren Baldwin; Thank you for your comment on this. In life there is death and at some level there must be acceptance of this, somehow.
elena-lu: Oh, I am so sorry for your loss. So recent too. May she rest in peace and may you and her family have strength during your mourning of her. xox
Very, very beautiful. And GREAT picture to go with that. Wow.
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